Climate change is particularly visible in Australia with globally recognised icons, such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Murray-Darling River, Antarctica and the surrounding oceans, all deeply vulnerable and already under attack. As a nation with a rich environmental heritage our response to climate change, as individuals and policymakers, relies on an accurate understanding of the current state and evidence of intervention efficacy.
Climate Alert presents scholarly research on climate change monitoring and strategy. It covers a diverse range of today's issues and seeks to promote climate change monitoring as an essential tool in both effective mitigation and urgent adaptation.
Ann Henderson-Sellers is professor emerita of geography and planning at Macquarie University.
Yuzhu You is a senior research associate at the University of Sydney's Institute of Marine Science.
About the authors
2. How seriously are we taking climate change? Monitoring climate change communication
Ann Henderson-Sellers
3. Physical monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef to understand ecological responses to climate change
Janice Lough, Scott Bainbridge, Ray Berkelmans and Craig Steinberg
4. Are the deep waters of the Weddell Sea still warming?
Robin Robertson
5. Monitoring the atmosphere and hydrology
David Walland
6. Impact of climate change stressors on marine invertebrate life histories with a focus on the Mollusca and Echinodermata
Maria Byrne
7. Climate impact on hypersalinity
Joachim Ribbe
8. Indonesian Throughflow: PACific Source Water INvestigation (PACSWIN)
Y. You, T. Rossby, W. Zenk, A.G. Ilahude, M. Fukasawa, R. Davis, D. Hu, D. Susanto, P.L. Richardson, C. Villanoy, C.T. Liu, J.H. Lee, R. Molcard, W.W. Pandoe, M. Koga, T. Qu, R.A. Fine, A. Gabric, R. Robertson, Y. Masumoto, S. Riser, H. Hasumi, P. Sigray, and T. Lee
9. The Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and the regional implementation in New South Wales
Moninya Roughan, Iain Suthers and Gary Meyers
10. South Pacific Ocean dynamics: potential for enhancing sea level and climate forecasts
Neil J. Holbrook
11. Future cyclone season characteristics from a thermodynamic model driven by coupled model climate simulations
Kendal McGuffie
12. Assessing climate change adaptation options for local government
S. Trück, W. Bradford, A. Henderson-Sellers, S. Mathew, J. Scott, M. Street and R. Taplin
Size: 210 × 148 × 22 mm
426 pages
11 b&w tables and 139 b&w illustrations
Copyright: © 2010
ISBN: 9781920899417
Publication: 19 Mar 2010