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Sydney Publishing

Q & A with Katy Maas

Q & A with Katy Maas
Katy Maas interned at SUP in the first semester of 2023 as part of the Master of Publishing degree at the University of Sydney. What have you been ...

Q & A with Cherie Baird

Cherie Baird interned at SUP in July 2021 as part of the Master of Publishing degree at the University of Sydney.

Q & A with Diana Chamma

Diana Chamma is in her last semester of the Master of Publishing degree at the University of Sydney. As part of the degree, Diana interned at SUP from March to June 2021.

Q & A with Elizabeth Jo

Elizabeth Jo is in her last semester of the Master of Publishing degree at the University of Sydney. As part of the degree, Elizabeth interned at SUP from March to June 2021.

Q & A with Alex Christodoulou

A photo of a young man with brown hair.
Alex Christodoulou has been part of the SUP team from February to April 2021. He will soon complete the Master of Publishing at Sydney University, and is eager to see more diverse voices in Australian print.

Q & A with Caitlyn Radice, Publishing Intern

A photo of Caitlyn Radice.

Caitlyn Radice has been part of the SUP team from September 2020 to February 2021, working remotely. She is a Master of Publishing student with a love for YA fantasy and manga. She currently lives in Sydney and is hoping to travel as soon as she can.

Q & A with Nikole Evans, Publishing Intern

A photo of Nikole Evans

Nikole Evans has been working with Sydney University Press over the past three months, first as an intern and now as a marketing assistant. She has a BA in French and Art History and is just about to complete her Master of Publishing at the University of Sydney. In her spare time you’ll find her reading fantasy, talking about fantasy, or talking about reading fantasy.

Q & A with Elise Menzies, Publishing Intern

Photo of Elise Menzies

Elise Menzies has been part of the SUP team from April to June. She has since finished her Master of Publishing degree and has gone travelling. She is now based in London.

Q & A with Ruby Mikolaitis, Publishing Intern

A photo of Ruby Mikolaitis

Ruby Mikolaitis has been part of the SUP team from mid-March to mid-April. She is currently in her third year of a double degree (Bachelor of Communications and Media/Bachelor of Arts) and specialising in three majors including English Literature.