Sydney Publishing

Q&A with Stuart Christie, author of The Flip Side: Old China Hands and the American Popular Imagination, 1935–1985

Q&A with Stuart Christie, author of The Flip Side: Old China Hands and the American Popular Imagination, 1935–1985
Stuart Christie is Professor of English Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University.       Congratulations on the publication of your i...

Q & A with Peter Charles Gibson, author of Made in Chinatown

Q & A with Peter Charles Gibson, author of Made in Chinatown

Peter Charles Gibson’s Made in Chinatown was published in March this year. The book delves into a little-known aspect of Australia’s past: its hundreds of Chinese furniture factories. We caught up with Peter to ask him a few questions about his motivations for writing the book, its significance and his writing process.

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Year of the Tiger

As the Lunar New Year starts, we welcome our newest book in the China and the West in the Modern World series

South Flows the Pearl: Chinese Australian Voices tells the stories of families who lived between China and Australia in the 20th century.